3 Ingredients That Alleviate Clogged Arteries, Decrease Fat In The Blood, Reduce Infections And The Common Cold

A beverage consisting of garlic, lemon, ginger and water is an old German folk medicine with incredible therapeutic properties.

There are numerous benefits of the beverage which could only be considered as perhaps one of the finest natural medicines. It‘s a mixture of three super foods, each which can positively influence your health.
This remedy excellent for the therapy and prevention of artery congestion. Additionally assists the regulation of healthy blood fat levels, preventing general fatigue, and the treatment of infections and colds. It aids altogether levels of immunity as well as improving the cleansing from the liver and liver enzymes. This natural remedy prevents free radicals in the body that cause the foremost serious diseases and lots of other conditions related to the heart and circulatory system.

Ingredients to the preparation : 

-4 larger whole heads of garlic
-4 lemons with peel
-Small piece of ginger root (about 3-4cm )
-2 liters of filtered water

Wash the lemons and cut them into pieces. Peel the garlic and blend along side the lemon and ginger inside a blender.

Put the blended mixture in a metal bowl, pour two liters of water and heat the mixture by stirring till the boiling point is reached. Just until the mixture, boils turn off the warmth and let everything cool down. Strain via a medium strainer and fill in glass bottles.

Drink one glass every day for at least 2 hours before meals or with an empty stomach.

source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/
3 Ingredients That Alleviate Clogged Arteries, Decrease Fat In The Blood, Reduce Infections And The Common Cold 3 Ingredients That Alleviate Clogged Arteries, Decrease Fat In The Blood, Reduce Infections And The Common Cold Reviewed by Unknown on November 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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