Many of us have used cayenne pepper to feature just a little spice to our meals, but did you know that It‘s the ability to alter your own health? Many societies, particularly those from the Americas and China, possess a history of using cayenne pepper therapeutically.

Cayenne pepper is employed for a variety of ailments including heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout, paralysis, fever, dyspepsia, flatulence, sore throat, atonic dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia in women, nausea, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and diphtheria.

Namely, this ingredient is so powerful it could even prevent a heart attack. When you discover its benefits, you‘ll definitely go to the closest store and purchase some.

Many doctors and healers are amazed from the healing properties of cayenne pepper and it really has been the topic of many health experts. Over his 35-year career, American herbalist Dr Christopher never lost a patient over a heart attack ; he credits cayenne pepper. He has treated patients suffering heart attacks having a cup of cayenne pepper tea ; within a moment they recover from the attack.

Cayenne pepper could be found in a health food store or local supermarket. There will be various species of them, such as habanero, Thai Chi, African Bird, and Jamaican Hot Pepper.

In case someone around you is experiencing a heart attack, giving him some cayenne pepper can help him plenty. If he / she‘s conscious, give him / her a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water but when he / she‘s unconscious, put a couple of drops of cayenne pepper extract under his tongue.
Cayenne pepper includes a hemostatic effect. It may stop the bleeding and accelerate the recovery process. It balances circulation and increases the guts rate, also.

If you are interested in made a cayenne pepper tincture, continue reading. This tincture is the greatest remedy for emergency cases of heart attacks.

Ingredients : 

– Cayenne pepper powder
– 1-3 fresh cayenne peppers
– 50% alcohol
– 1l glass bottle


Put on gloves for safety.
Fill a quarter from the glass bottle with cayenne pepper powder. Pour alcohol over it so it covers the powder.
Inside a blender mix the fresh peppers with enough alcohol that you receive a sauce-like consistency. Add the mixture to the bottle to ensure that ¾ from the bottle is filled.
Fill the bottle to the highest with alcohol and place the lid on. Shake the bottle more than once each day.
Leave the tincture inside a dark place for 14 days, then strain. Keep final tincture in a dark bottle. For any stronger tincture, allow it to infuse three months before straining.
Store tincture inside a dry, dark place. It never spoils.
Give 5-10 drops from the tincture to some patient who has just experienced a heart attack and do the same after 10 minutes. Just in case He‘s unconscious, put 1-3 drops from the tincture under their tongue.

Health Benefits 

-Cayenne pepper can be utilized inside the treatment of other ailments including heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout, paralysis, fever, dyspepsia, flatulence, sore throat, atonic dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia in women, nausea, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and diphtheria.
-It has antifungal properties ; it prevents the occurrence of Phomopsis and Colletotrichum.
-It is beneficial for the digestive system, since it stimulates the production of gastric juices, and relieves gases.
-Cayenne peppers are especially recommended to patients diagnosed with lung cancer and smokers due to its anticancer properties. It‘s believed that capsaicin found in cayenne pepper prevents the event of tumors caused by tobacco, and similar results are noticed in patients diagnosed with liver cancer.
-It is also helpful in the treatment of stomach problems, flu symptoms, migraines, allergies, redness, obesity, toothache and arthritis.

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HOW TO STOP A HEART ATTACK IN 1 MINUTE HOW TO STOP A HEART ATTACK IN 1 MINUTE Reviewed by Unknown on Desember 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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